The Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) are made up of 22 performance indicators.

All social housing providers are required to report on these measures by the Regulator of Social Housing.

The measures

The measures are split into two parts:

  • 10 performance measures based on management performance information
  • 12 tenant perception survey measures

These measures are broken down into the following five themes:

    • Keeping homes in good repair
    • Maintaining building safety
    • Respectful and helpful engagement
    • Effective handling of complaints
    • Responsible neighbourhood management

The 12 tenant perception survey measures are collected from both our rental and homeownership customers.

In the reports, these are called low-cost rental accommodation (LCRA) and low-cost home ownership (LCHO).

Our approach

We choose a census approach to collect the tenant perception measures. This ensures everyone has an opportunity to participate.

We did this by strengthening our annual customer conversations and included the regulated tenant satisfaction measures as part of these conversations, allowing thousands of customers the opportunity to give their feedback.

The annual review is between a customer and a dedicated neighbourhood coach. We want to better understand customers’ aspirations and hopes for the future as well as their experience and views on our services.

These conversations feed into our 'voice of the customer sessions' and every household is invited to have a conversation with their neighbourhood coach each year.

2023 to 2024 results


Annual reviews completed

Throughout the year, our neighbourhood coaches held conversations with 36,620 customers.


TSM conversations



84.7% of customers said they were satisfied with the services we provide to them

Results in detail

Keeping homes in good repair

  • 0.02% of our homes do not meet the decent homes standard
  • 74.8% of customers were satisfied with our repairs service
  • 60.7% of non-emergency repairs were completed on time
  • 80.9% of emergency repairs were completed on time
  • 69.9% of customers were satisfied with the time taken to complete their most recent repair
  • 82.2% of customers are satisfied that their home is well-maintained

Maintaining building safety

  • 91.4% of customers were satisfied that their home is safe
    (rental customers: 91.7%, homeownership customers: 86.0%)

Safety checks

  • 100% of homes have a valid gas safety check
  • 100% of homes have a current fire risk assessment
  • 100% asbestos checks have been completed
  • 100% of water safety checks have been completed
  • 100% of lift safety checks have been completed

Respectful and helpful engagement

  • 74.8% of customers were satisfied that we listened to their views and acted upon them
    (rental customers: 75.5%, homeownership customers: 62.4%)
  • 77.9% of customers were satisfied that we kept them informed about things that matter to them
    (rental customers: 78.3%, homeownership customers: 69.2%)
  • 90.7% of customers agree that we treat them fairly and with respect
    (rental customers: 91.0%, homeownership customers: 85.1%)

Effective handling of complaints

  • 44.1% of customers were satisfied with our handling of complaints
    (rental customers: 44.9%, homeownership customers: 33.2%)
  • 58 stage one rental customer complaints received per 1,000 homes
  • 35.1 stage one homeownership customer complaints received per 1,000 homes

  • 3.7 stage two rental customer complaints received per 1,000 homes
  • 3.6 stage two homeownership customer complaints received per 1,000 homes

  • 76.2% of stage one rental customer complaints were handled within the Complaints Handling Code timescales
  • 73% of stage one homeownership customer complaints were handled within the Complaints Handling Code timescales

  • 35.3% of stage two rental customer complaints were handled within the Complaints Handling Code timescales
  • 35.2% of stage two homeownership customer complaints were handled within the Complaints Handling Code timescales

Responsible neighbourhood management

  • 76.4% of customers were satisfied that communal areas are clean and well-maintained
    (rental customers: 76.7%, homeownership customers: 67.3%)
  • 74.5% of customers were satisfied that we make positive contributions to their neighbourhoods
    (rental customers: 74.6%, homeownership customers: 72.5%)
  • 69.6% of customers were satisfied with how we handled their anti-social behaviour cases
    (rental customers: 69.8%, homeownership customers: 64.5%)
  • 24.6 anti-social behaviour cases per 1,000 homes
  • 0.7 anti-social behaviour hate incident cases per 1,000 homes